Thursday, March 13, 2025

Keith & Kristyn Getty – Sing! The Great Commission [FULL ALBUM]


“Sing! The Great Commission” by Keith and Kristyn Getty is a profound musical journey that encapsulates the essence of the Great Commission—a commandment given by Jesus Christ to his disciples, calling them to go and make disciples of all nations. This full album, released by the renowned hymn writers and musicians, offers a collection of uplifting and inspiring songs that celebrate the universal scope of Christ’s redemptive mission and the believer’s call to share the gospel with the world.

As the album begins, listeners are drawn into a spirit of worship and mission, as vibrant melodies and stirring lyrics set the stage for a transformative musical experience. Each track serves as a poignant reminder of the believer’s role in fulfilling the Great Commission, inviting listeners to embrace their call to discipleship and evangelism with renewed passion and zeal.

The album’s title track, “Sing! The Great Commission,” serves as a powerful declaration of the believer’s commitment to proclaim the gospel to all nations. With its triumphant melody and resounding lyrics, the song encourages listeners to join in the chorus of praise and to participate in the redemptive work of God in the world.

Through their artistry, Keith and Kristyn Getty create a musical journey that transcends cultural boundaries and unites believers in a common mission to spread the gospel to all corners of the globe. The album’s energetic rhythms and inspiring lyrics inspire listeners to embrace their call to mission and evangelism, and to become agents of transformation in their communities and beyond.

Track List:

  1. Panta Ta Ethne
  2. How Great Thou Art
  3. Lord Of All
  4. Matthew 28:16-20
  5. My Soul Will Wait (Psalm 62)
  6. Our God Will Go Before Us
  7. Psalm 150 (Praise the Lord)
  8. Precious Love
  9. Christ Is Mine Forevermore
  10. Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
  11. Come Unto Jesus
  12. Let The Nations Be Glad
  13. I Set My Hope
  14. In Christ Alone
  15. There Is One Gospel
  16. Is He Worthy?
  17. Lift High The Name Of Jesus
  18. All My Boast Is In Jesus

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