Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Stand Like The Brave – Hymn


“Stand Like the Brave” is a hymn that resonates with courage, fortitude, and unwavering faith in the face of adversity. With its stirring melody and empowering lyrics, this hymn serves as a rallying cry for believers to stand firm in their convictions and trust in the strength of the Lord. Inspired by Ephesians 6:13, which encourages believers to put on the full armor of God and stand firm against the schemes of the devil, the hymn exudes a sense of determination and resolve to face challenges with courage and confidence.

In its verses, “Stand Like the Brave” calls believers to stand tall and resolute, equipped with the armor of God, ready to face the battles of life. It celebrates the bravery and steadfastness that come from placing one’s trust in the Lord’s mighty power and unfailing promises. As believers sing its verses, they are reminded of the assurance that comes from knowing that God is with them, empowering them to overcome every obstacle.

Moreover, the hymn serves as a source of encouragement and inspiration for believers as they confront the trials and tribulations of life. Its timeless message affirms the believer’s identity as a child of God, called to walk in faith and victory. Through its stirring melodies and empowering lyrics, “Stand Like the Brave” becomes a hymn of courage and determination, as believers declare their allegiance to the King of kings and Lord of lords.


Stand Like The Brave (Christian Hymn) Lyrics

1 O Christian, awake! ’tis the Master’s command;
With helmet and shield, and a sword in thy hand,
To meet the bold tempter, go, fearlessly go,
Then stand like the brave, with thy face to the foe.

Stand like the brave, stand like the brave,
Stand like the brave, with thy face to the foe.

2 The cause of thy Master with vigor defend;
Be watchful, be zealous, and fight to the end;
Wherever He leads thee, go, valiantly go,
Then stand like the brave, with thy face to the foe.

3 Press on, never doubting, thy Captain is near,
With grace to supply, and with comfort to cheer;
His love, like a stream in the desert will flow;
Then stand like the brave, with thy face to the foe.

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