Thursday, March 13, 2025

Tim Godfrey – Looking Out For Me


Tim Godfrey’s “Looking Out For Me” is a divine melody that encapsulates the essence of recognizing God’s watchful care. As listeners immerse themselves in the harmonious melodies and contemplative lyrics, they embark on a profound journey of gratitude and acknowledgment.

This composition stands as a testament to Tim Godfrey’s commitment to creating music that not only resonates with the soul but also facilitates a transformative experience of trust and gratitude. “Looking Out For Me” becomes an invitation for worshippers to reflect on and celebrate the profound truth that God, indeed, is always looking out for them.

The intentional repetition of the phrase “Looking Out For Me” serves as a melodic refrain, reinforcing the central theme and creating a rhythmic declaration of trust. As worshippers engage with the song, it becomes a personal anthem of assurance, a lyrical proclamation that echoes the ever-present watchfulness and protective hand of God.

“Looking Out For Me” goes beyond being a musical composition; it transforms into a sacred conversation. The deliberate pacing of the melody and the emotive delivery of the lyrics guide worshippers into a space where individual testimonies of divine providence converge into a collective hymn of gratitude.


Tim Godfrey – Looking Out For Me Lyrics

Chukwu dike
Onye obi ebere le
My beautiful lover oh
My ever present help
A ga me bu ru gi ekele
Nye gi otito
Nso puru
Bu ga ra gi Jesus
For you keep looking after me
Oke mmuo
Eze ndi mmo
Mmuo ka mmuo
Mmuo ne lo mmuo
Jesus meh, Jesus meh
Okwa gi je ri je nelu mmiri
Oke ikuku
Ikuku na tu egwu
Jesus meh
You keep looking after me
Ihe ni le gba nyerem
Ne me tu chukwu no’bi
Ihe ni le gba nyerem
Ne me tu chukwu n’obi
Ogaghi ekwe, ka echiche ndi ro me zu
Eze you keep looking after me
I don’t know why you love me so
I don’t know why you care for me
You keep on fighting all my battles
You’re always looking out for me
Okwa gi ne cherem echiche oma
So gi ne cherem echiche oma
Jesus me
You keep looking out for me
Oke mmuo (oke mmuo)
Eze ndi mmo
Mmuo ka mmuo
Mmuo ne lo mmuo
Jesus meh, Jesus meh
Okwa gi je ri je nelu mmiri
Oke ikuku
Ikuku na tu egwu
Jesus meh
You keep looking after me
Ihe ni le gba nyerem (ihe ni le gba nyerem oh)
Ne me tu chukwu n’obi
Ihe ni le gba nyerem
Ne me tu chukwu n’obi
Ogaghi ekwe, ka echiche ndi ro me zu
Eze you keep looking after me
Ihe ni le gba nyerem
Ne me tu chukwu no’bi
Ihe ni le gba nyerem
Ne me tu chukwu n’obi
Ogaghi ekwe, ke’chiche ndi ro me zu
Eze you keep looking after me
Merciful father
Your reckless love upon me
It’s indescribable
Aga ma ko ra ole ko obu ru ole
Owe ri na bo
Aiyin ga aja ya ja
Agba n wa gba nwe
Ome mma
Ome ka si one kasi o ma ka si
Chi na cha ra m oku
Chi ne bu li me lu
Chi di ebube
Ebube ni mi Ebube
Oke Mmuo
Ihe ni le gba nyerem
Ne me tu chukwu no’bi
Ihe ni le gba nyerem
Ne me tu chukwu no’bi
Oga he kwe, ke’chiche ndi ro me zu
Eze you keep looking after me
Ihe ni le gba nyerem
Ne me tu chukwu no’bi
Ihe ni le gba nyerem
Ne me tu chukwu n’obi
Oga he kwe, ke’chiche ndi ro me zu
Eze you keep looking after me
Aya aya eh eh

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