Friday, March 14, 2025

Sarai Rivera – GlorifíCate


“GlorifíCate” by Sarai Rivera is a soul-stirring anthem that celebrates the act of glorifying and exalting the name of the Divine. With its captivating melody and fervent lyrics, this song serves as a powerful call to honor and magnify the greatness of God. Inspired by Psalm 86:9, which implores believers to glorify God’s name forever, the song radiates a spirit of adoration and reverence for the Almighty.

In its verses, “GlorifíCate” emphasizes the transcendent majesty and splendor of God, inviting listeners to join in the chorus of praise and worship. It acknowledges God’s sovereignty and faithfulness, acknowledging His enduring presence and unmatched power. As listeners immerse themselves in its uplifting lyrics, they are invited to lift their voices in adoration and surrender, acknowledging the greatness of the Divine in their lives.

Moreover, the song serves as a source of inspiration and encouragement for listeners as they navigate the complexities of faith and daily living. Its timeless message affirms the believer’s call to glorify God in all aspects of life, recognizing His goodness and grace. Through its stirring melody and heartfelt lyrics, “GlorifíCate” becomes an anthem of devotion and praise, inspiring listeners to magnify the name of the Lord with joy and gratitude.

As listeners engage with the song’s profound message and emotive melodies, they are encouraged to reflect on their own relationship with God and consider how they can glorify Him in their thoughts, words, and actions. Through its powerful lyrics and uplifting harmonies, “GlorifíCate” becomes more than just a song; it becomes a catalyst for spiritual transformation, guiding listeners into a deeper understanding of the joy and privilege of glorifying God in their lives.


Sarai Rivera – GlorifíCate Lyrics

Lo intentéEn mis fuerzas y falléEntendíQue así no quiero seguirAhora séY sin reservas cantaréMás de ti, menos de miAsí quiero vivir
En cada paso que tomeEn cada canto que canteEn mi prueba y dolorGlorifícate
En cada paso que tomeEn cada canto que canteEn mi prueba y dolorGlorifícate Dios
Con mi vidaCada díaTe exaltoToma todo lo que soy
Cada alientoTe lo entregoTodo es tuyoToma todo lo que soy
Con mi vidaCada díaTe exaltoToma todo lo que soy
Cada alientoTe lo entregoTodo es tuyoToma todo lo que soyToma todo lo que soy
En cada paso que tomeEn cada canto que canteEn mi prueba y dolorGlorifícate
En cada paso que tomeEn cada canto que canteEn mi prueba y dolorGlorifícate Dios

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