Wednesday, October 23, 2024

O Sing A New Song To The Lord – Hymn


“O Sing a New Song to the Lord” is a hymn that calls believers to lift their voices in joyful praise and worship to the Almighty. With its uplifting melody and exuberant lyrics, this hymn serves as an invitation to celebrate the goodness and faithfulness of God. Inspired by Psalm 96:1-3, which exhorts believers to sing a new song to the Lord and declare His glory among the nations, the hymn exudes a sense of joy and exaltation for the wonders of God’s creation and His redeeming love.

In its verses, “O Sing a New Song to the Lord” encourages believers to offer fresh expressions of worship and praise to God. It invites them to join in proclaiming the greatness of the Lord and declaring His marvelous deeds to all nations. As believers sing its praises, they are reminded of the privilege and responsibility of sharing the message of God’s love and salvation with the world.

Moreover, the hymn serves as a source of inspiration and encouragement for believers as they seek to deepen their relationship with God through worship. Its timeless message affirms the power of music and song to uplift the soul and draw believers closer to the presence of God. Through its uplifting melodies and joyful lyrics, “O Sing a New Song to the Lord” becomes a hymn of renewal and revival, as believers offer their praises to God with hearts full of gratitude and adoration.


O Sing A New Song To The Lord (Christian Hymn) Lyrics

1 Oh, sing a new song to the Lord,
for wonders he has done:
with his right hand and holy arm
the vict’ry he has won.

2 The Lord has made this triumph known,
displayed his saving might;
he has revealed his righteousness
in every nation’s sight.

3 He mindful of his grace and truth
to Israel’s house has been;
the saving power of God our Lord
earth’s farther ends have seen.

4 Earth, shout aloud to God the Lord
and make a joyful noise;
break into song and celebrate,
sing praises and rejoice.

5 Sing to the Lord with sound of harp,
let harp and voices ring:
with blare of trumpets, blast of horn,
acclaim the Lord, the King.

6 Let seas, and all within them, roar,
the world, and dwellers there;
let streams clap hands, and mountains sing–
as one their joy declare.

7 Let these all sing before the Lord
who comes earth’s judge to be;
he’ll judge the world with righteousness,
its folk with equity.

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