Sunday, February 23, 2025

Keith & Kristyn Getty – Let The Nations Be Glad


“Let The Nations Be Glad” by Keith and Kristyn Getty stands as a powerful anthem of global worship, inviting believers from every corner of the earth to join in praise and adoration of the one true God. With its vibrant melody and stirring lyrics, the song captures the essence of the Great Commission, calling believers to proclaim the gospel to all nations and to celebrate the diversity of God’s creation.

As the music begins, listeners are swept up in a spirit of joyful celebration, as vibrant rhythms and uplifting harmonies set the stage for a global chorus of praise. Each verse of the song serves as a declaration of God’s sovereignty and love, affirming His desire for all peoples to come to know Him and experience the fullness of His grace.

The chorus of “Let The Nations Be Glad” serves as a rallying cry for believers to join together in worship, lifting their voices in unity and proclaiming the greatness of God to the ends of the earth. With each repetition of the refrain, listeners are reminded of the transformative power of the gospel and the call to share the good news with all who will listen.

Through their artistry, Keith and Kristyn Getty create a musical experience that transcends cultural boundaries and unites believers of every nation, tribe, and tongue in a common expression of worship. The song’s vibrant energy and infectious enthusiasm inspire listeners to join in the chorus of praise, celebrating the diversity of God’s creation and the unity of His kingdom.

“Let The Nations Be Glad” is more than just a song; it is a declaration of faith and mission—a reminder of the universal scope of God’s love and the call to share His message of salvation with all peoples. Through their artistry, Keith and Kristyn Getty invite listeners to join in the global chorus of praise, proclaiming the greatness of God and celebrating the diversity of His creation.


Keith & Kristyn Getty – Let The Nations Be Glad Lyrics

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