Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Chris McClarney – Everlasting God


The first notes of Chris McClarney’s “Everlasting God” wash over you like a gentle wave, carrying you into a realm of quiet contemplation. It’s not a song that demands immediate attention, but rather invites you to settle in, to find solace in the steady rhythm and the simple yet profound lyrics.

McClarney’s voice, raw and honest, takes center stage, painting a picture of an unshakeable presence amidst life’s uncertainties. He sings of a God who “does not faint, won’t grow weary,” a defender of the weak and a source of comfort in times of darkness. The melody, though subdued, carries an undercurrent of strength, a reminder that even in the quietest moments, God’s power is ever-present.

As the song progresses, the tempo picks up slightly, but the focus remains on the message of hope and resilience. The lyrics speak of waiting upon the Lord, knowing that He is our “strength,” our “deliverer,” and our “everlasting God.” It’s a call to trust, to surrender our anxieties and worries to the one who holds the universe in His hands.

There’s a sense of community woven into the fabric of the song. The repeated refrain, “Our God, You reign forever,” becomes a shared declaration, uniting listeners in their faith and reminding them that they are not alone. The music swells, voices harmonize, and a sense of shared strength emerges, lifting spirits and fostering a spirit of unity.

But “Everlasting God” isn’t just about passive acceptance. It’s also a call to action. The lyrics urge us to “rise up” and “shout,” to actively engage with our faith and let it shine through our actions. It’s a reminder that even the smallest acts of love and kindness can be a powerful testament to the everlasting God within us.


Chris McClarney – Everlasting God Lyrics

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