Sunday, February 9, 2025

O Day Of Rest And Gladness – Hymn


“O Day of Rest and Gladness” stands as a cherished hymn, inviting believers to embrace the joy and peace found in the Sabbath day. Rooted in the Christian tradition, this sacred composition celebrates the gift of rest and renewal, inviting worshippers to pause and reflect on the goodness and faithfulness of God. With its serene melody and uplifting lyrics, the hymn serves as a reminder of the restorative power of Sabbath rest and the opportunity it provides for spiritual rejuvenation.

At the heart of “O Day of Rest and Gladness” lies a profound appreciation for the Sabbath as a sacred time set apart for worship and communion with God. The lyrics exalt the Sabbath as a day of rest and renewal, a time to lay aside the cares of the world and draw near to the presence of the Lord. Through its serene verses and tranquil refrain, the hymn invites believers to enter into the peace and tranquility of Sabbath rest, finding solace and refreshment for the soul.

In addition to its lyrical depth, “O Day of Rest and Gladness” is accompanied by a gentle melody that enhances its message of serenity and renewal. From the peaceful strains of the opening notes to the soothing crescendo of the final chorus, the music envelops listeners in a spirit of calm and contemplation, inviting them to rest in the embrace of God’s love. With its timeless appeal and emotive arrangement, the hymn continues to captivate hearts and inspire devotion across generations and cultures.


O Day Of Rest And Gladness (Christian Hymn) Lyrics

O day of rest and gladness,
O day of joy and light,
O balm of care and sadness,
Most beautiful, most bright:
On Thee, the high and lowly,
Through ages joined in tune,
Sing holy, holy, holy,
To the great God Triune.

On Thee, at the creation,
The light first had its birth;
On Thee, for our salvation,
Christ rose from depths of earth;
On Thee, our Lord, victorious,
The Spirit sent from heavn,
And thus on Thee, most glorious,
A triple light was givn.

Thou art a port protected
From storms that round us rise;
A garden intersected
With streams of paradise;
Thou art a cooling fountain
In lifes dry dreary sand;
From Thee, like Pisgahs mountain,
We view our promised land.

Today on weary nations
The heavnly manna falls;
To holy convocations
The silver trumpet calls,
Where gospel light is glowing
With pure and radiant beams,
And living water flowing,
With soul-refreshing streams.

New graces ever gaining
From this, our day of rest,
We reach the rest remaining
To spirits of the blessed.
To Holy Ghost be praises,
To Father, and to Son;
The church her voice upraises
To Thee, blessed Three in One.

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