Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Nyasha Ngoloma – Damu (Sasa Tumepewa Nguvu)


Nyasha Ngoloma’s LinkedIn profile showcases a career focused on marketing. Her experience includes working with prestigious brands like Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) and managing social media for a diverse range of clients across the globe at Cupid Media. This indicates a well-rounded skillset in brand strategy, content creation, and social media management.

A YouTube channel under Nyasha Ngoloma’s name ([YouTube channel]) reveals another side. Described as a wife, mother, and follower of Jesus, the channel might feature personal content or religious reflections.

There’s also a possibility that Nyasha Ngoloma and Eve Nyasha Ngoloma are the same person. Music by Eve Nyasha Ngoloma, including the song “Nakuabudu,” can be found online. Both the YouTube channel’s description and the music’s themes suggest a religious connection.

Overall, Nyasha Ngoloma comes across as a successful marketing professional who also leads a faith-filled personal life. Whether she dabbles in music under the name Eve Nyasha Ngoloma remains to be seen, but her online presence highlights her diverse talents.


Nyasha Ngoloma – Damu (Sasa Tumepewa Nguvu) Lyrics

Verse 1
Si rahisi mtu kufa kwa ajili ya mwenzake
(It’s not common for one to give their life for another)

Bali Kristo kwetu kaonyesha upendo wake
(but Christ showed His love for us)

Walimsulubisha kwa ajili ya mimi na wewe
(He was crucified for you and I)

Ili dhambi tusamehewe na tuokolewe
(so that our sins may be forgiven)

Sasa tumepewa nguvu kwa hiyo damu ya kondoo
(We have now received power through the blood of the lamb)

Tu wasafi na tupo huru twatawala na Kristo
(We are sanctified and free – reigning with Christ)

Sasa tumepewa nguvu kwa hiyo damu ya kondoo
(We have now received power through the blood of the lamb)

Tu wasafi na tupo huru twatawala na Kristo
(We are sanctified and free – reigning with Christ)

Verse 2
Walimsulubisha wakagawa mavazi yake
(They crucified him and divided up His clothes)

Wakayapigia kura kila mtu na yake
(They then cast lots on them)

Bali Kristo kwetu kaonyesha upendo wake
(but Christ showed His love for us)

Ili dhambi tusamehewe na tuokolewe
(so that our sins may be forgiven)

Sasa tumepewa nguvu kwa hiyo damu ya kondoo
(We have now received power through the blood of the lamb)

Tu wasafi na tupo huru twatawala na Kristo
(We are sanctified and free – reigning with Christ)

Sasa tumepewa nguvu kwa hiyo damu ya kondoo
(We have now received power through the blood of the lamb)

Tu wasafi na tupo huru twatawala na Kristo
(We are sanctified and free – reigning with Christ)

Verse 3
Nalo giza lilitanda juu ya nchi yote
(Darkness came over all the land)

Pazia la hekalu likapasuka vipande
(The curtain of the temple was torn to two)

Ukweli kudhibitika mkombozi ni yeye
(All the people acknowledged that He was the Saviour)

Messiah kafufuka hallelujah, mshindi milele
(The Messiah rose again, Hallelujah – the eternal victor!)

Sasa tumepewa nguvu kwa hiyo damu ya kondoo
(We have now received power through the blood of the lamb)

Tu wasafi na tupo huru twatawala na Kristo
(We are sanctified and free – reigning with Christ)

Sasa tumepewa nguvu kwa hiyo damu ya kondoo
(We have now received power through the blood of the lamb)

Tu wasafi na tupo huru twatawala na Kristo
(We are sanctified and free – reigning with Christ)


Hallelujah Hallelujah

Nimeoshwa kabisa
(I am sanctified)

Hallelujah Hallelujah

Ni damu ya Messiah
(by the blood of the Messiah)

Sasa tumepewa nguvu kwa hiyo damu ya kondoo
(We have now received power through the blood of the lamb)

Tu wasafi na tupo huru twatawala na Kristo
(We are sanctified and free – reigning with Christ)

Sasa tumepewa nguvu kwa hiyo damu ya kondoo
(We have now received power through the blood of the lamb)

Tu wasafi na tupo huru twatawala na Kristo
(We are sanctified and free – reigning with Christ)

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