Monday, March 10, 2025

When He Cometh / Jewels – Hymn


The hymn “When He Cometh” resonates as a timeless expression of anticipation and eternal hope in the return of Christ. With its stirring melody and profound lyrics, this cherished hymn has inspired generations of believers to eagerly await the triumphant coming of their Savior.

As the melody unfolds, “When He Cometh” creates an atmosphere charged with anticipation and expectation. The uplifting strains of the music, accompanied by rich harmonies, invite listeners to join in the joyful proclamation of Christ’s imminent return and the promise of eternal glory.

The lyrics of the hymn are a poetic proclamation of faith and longing for the Second Coming of Christ. Each verse paints a vivid picture of the anticipation and joy that believers will experience when they are reunited with their Savior. From the opening lines—”When He cometh, when He cometh to make up His jewels”—to the resounding chorus—”He will gather, He will gather the gems for His kingdom”—the hymn exudes a sense of triumph and victory in Christ’s return.

As believers unite their voices in singing “When He Cometh,” they are reminded of the blessed hope that awaits them in Christ’s return. The hymn becomes a source of encouragement and reassurance, strengthening their faith and inspiring them to live in anticipation of the glorious day when they will be united with their Savior forever.


When He Cometh / Jewels (Christian Hymn) Lyrics

1 When He cometh, when He cometh
To make up His jewels,
All His jewels, precious jewels,
His loved and His own:

Like the stars of the morning,
His bright crown adorning,
They shall shine in their beauty,
Bright gems for His crown.

2 He will gather, He will gather
The gems for His kingdom;
All the pure ones, all the bright ones,
His loved and His own. [Refrain]

3 Little children, little children,
Who love their Redeemer,
Are the jewels, precious jewels,
His loved and His own. [Refrain]

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