Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Be With Me, Lord – Hymn


“Be With Me, Lord” is a poignant hymn that echoes the heartfelt plea of a believer for the presence and guidance of the Lord in every aspect of life. With its tender melody and sincere lyrics, this hymn serves as a heartfelt prayer for divine companionship and support in times of joy, sorrow, and uncertainty. Inspired by Psalm 23:4, which assures believers of God’s presence and comfort even in the darkest valleys, the hymn exudes a sense of trust and dependency on the Lord.

In its verses, “Be With Me, Lord” expresses the believer’s longing for the constant presence and guidance of the Lord. It acknowledges human frailty and the need for divine strength and protection. As believers sing its verses, they are reminded of the comforting assurance that comes from knowing that the Lord is with them, guiding them through every trial and triumph.

Moreover, the hymn serves as a source of comfort and encouragement for believers as they navigate the complexities of life. Its timeless message affirms the believer’s confidence in God’s faithfulness and provision. Through its tender melodies and earnest lyrics, “Be With Me, Lord” becomes a hymn of trust and surrender, as believers lay their burdens at the feet of the Lord and seek His presence in every moment.


Be With Me, Lord (Christian Hymn) Lyrics

Be with me, Lord,
I cannot live without Thee,
I dare not try to take one step alone,
I cannot bear the loads of life, unaided,
I need Thy strength to lean myself upon.

Be with me, Lord,
And then if dangers threaten,
If storms of trial burst above my head,
If lashing seas leap everywhere about me,
They cannot harm, or make my heart afraid.

Be with me, Lord!
No other gift or blessing
Thou couldst bestow could with this one compare
A constant sense of Thy abiding presence,
Where’er I am, to feel that Thou art near.

Be with me, Lord,
when loneliness overtakes me,
When I must weep amid the fires of pain,
And when shall come the hour of “my departure”
For “worlds unknown,” O Lord, be with me then.

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